iAnesthesia LLC Apps

STAT Intubation: Anesthesia 1.0
iAnesthesia LLC
A quick reference of weight-based drug dosingand equipment necessary to secure an adult airway. STAT Intubationis an excellent reference during an emergency or code situation.Doctors, nurses, paramedics and other healthcare providers who dealwith emergent airways will appreciate how easy it is to use STATIntubation.
ECG Rhythms (The EKG Guide) 1.3
iAnesthesia LLC
ECG Rhythms is an Electrocardiogram (EKG orECG) Guide for the Android. Stream movies of the 30 most commonarhythmias. ECG Rhythms is designed to be a quick point-of-carereference for healthcare professionals.
STAT Intubation: Airway Guide 2.0
iAnesthesia LLC
A quick reference of weight-based drug dosingand equipment necessary to secure an adult airway. STAT Intubationhelps healthcare providers remember appropriate drug doses duringan emergency. It also details all of the special airway equipmentanesthesiologist utilize for intubation. Learn how to appropriatelyassess an airway and manage a difficult airway.STAT Intubation is an excellent reference during an emergency orcode situation. Doctors, nurses, paramedics and other healthcareproviders who deal with emergent airways will appreciate how STATIntubation simplifies the medication delivery system.
Dermatome Nerve Distribution 1.1
iAnesthesia LLC
The Dermatomes App for Android is anexcellentreference of which spinal nerve roots relay sensation fromaparticular area of skin.High Definition Anterior & Posterior maps can bezoomedin/out and provide the essential dermatome landmarks.Dermatomes App is an essential reference forneurologists,emergency physicians, family doctors,anesthesiologist, medicalstudents, physiotherapists, chiropractors,osteopaths, and manyother medical professionals.A dermatome is an area of skin that is mainly supplied byasingle spinal nerve. There are eight cervical nerves,twelvethoracic nerves, five lumbar nerves and five sacral nerves.Each ofthese nerves relays sensation (including pain) from aparticularregion of skin to the brain.NOTE: *** Dermatomes are variable between individuals andthepatter of sensory loss is usually less than the entiredermatomebecause of overlap. The map and landmarks presented intheDermatomes App represent a consensus view drawn fromnumeroussources. ***
ACLS Rhythms and Quiz 1.0.5
iAnesthesia LLC
"Best ACLS App for the Android" - ACLS RHYTHMS AND QUIZ
Pedi Safe Medications 3.4
iAnesthesia LLC
Pediatric Emergency Guide for medications, airway equipment, andBroselow Colors